Why are your clear glasses frames turning yellow and how to fix it

Clear-frame glasses are a popular pick for those seeking a modern and stylish aesthetic. These transparent glasses, often referred to as crystal frames, are made from a durable plastic material aptly designed to complement any outfit or face shape. But, one question many wearers of these glasses ask is why their originally clear lenses begin to turn yellow over time. This article aims to shed light on the factors causing this discoloration and provide tips to prevent it and keep your glasses looking brand new.

Why do clear frames turn yellow?

Indeed, transparent glasses can turn yellow due to various factors. The primary cause is exposure to UV light, which can oxidize the plastic frames, leading to a change in color. Additionally, sweat, oil, and environmental dirt can accumulate on the glasses’ frame and lens surface, contributing to the yellowing. Age-related wear can also affect the originally clear lenses’ color.

Which glasses frame materials don’t turn yellow?

If you want to avoid your glasses turning yellow, consider other types of frames. For instance:

Metal frames: Metal frames, resistant to UV light and oxidation, are durable alternatives to plastic frames.

Wood frames: Eco-friendly and unique, wood frames are less prone to turning yellow than plastic frames.

Tips for wearing clear glasses frames

Wearing your glasses properly can prevent your clear-frame glasses from turning yellow:

  • Avoid wearing your glasses the whole day. Allow your skin and glasses a break by removing them every few hours.
  • Try not to wear your glasses during heavy sweating, makeup application, or when using skincare products. Sweat, oil, and chemicals can stain your frames, resulting in a dull appearance.
  • Avoid wearing your glasses while sleeping or showering. Sleeping with your glasses can put pressure on your nose pads and frames, potentially affecting their shape and color. Showering with your glasses can expose them to hot water and steam, potentially causing damage.

Cleaning clear glasses frames

To keep your glasses looking new and prevent them from turning yellow, clean your glasses daily:

  • Rinse your glasses under warm water to remove dust and debris.
  • Apply a small amount of mild soap to your fingers or a clean microfiber cloth, and gently rub it on your frames and lenses in circular motions.
  • Rinse your glasses under warm water again to wash off the soap.
  • Dry your glasses with a clean microfiber cloth or let them air dry on a flat surface.
  • Avoid using hot water, alcohol, acetone, or abrasive cleaners, as these can harm the plastic material.

If your clear frames have already turned yellow, you might consider trying these methods:

Baking soda: Mix baking soda with water to create a paste, apply it to your glasses, let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse and dry.

Hydrogen peroxide: Soak a cotton ball or a clean microfiber cloth in hydrogen peroxide, rub it on your glasses, let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse and dry.

Vinegar: Mix vinegar with water in a spray bottle, spray the solution onto your glasses, and wipe it off with a clean microfiber cloth. Repeat the process until the yellow tint is gone.

If these methods prove ineffective or you’re uncomfortable using them, you may consider purchasing new glasses or switching to frames less prone to yellowing.

Are clear glasses frames still in style?

Absolutely! Clear-frame glasses are considered a versatile and trendy eyewear option, suitable for any personality or occasion. They can provide a modern, refined look with a subtle touch of class. Whether you favor round, square, or cat-eye shapes, or even colored frames, you can find a pair of transparent glasses that flatter your face shape and express your style.


Clear glasses frames are a stylish and versatile for those seeking a minimalist and modern look. However, they can turn yellow over time due to UV light exposure, sweat, oil, chemicals, and age-related wear. This discoloration can affect both the appearance and quality of your glasses.

To prevent or minimize the yellowing of clear frames, you can opt for alternative frame materials like metal, wood, or acetate; wear your eyeglass frames properly by selecting the right size and fit, cleaning them regularly, and storing them correctly; and apply the same care tips for transparent glasses if you own them. By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure that your clear glasses frames remain in excellent condition and retain their aesthetic appeal for an extended period.